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  • NEW 9 Series PRO - Color Changing Outdoor Lighting with the Haven Lighting App Control

    Use Color Changing Outdoor Lighting with the Haven Lighting App to Solve Design Dilemmas and More

    Creative, critical, analytical, and emotional — experts may box our brains into neat little compartments, but the human mind, at its root, is creative. How else can we explain the discovery of fire, the creation of the wheel, the invention of the telephone, and myriad other developments? We constantly want to find better ways to live, work, travel, and even rest. An indomitable spirit of creativity pushes us to think outside the box.

    It is this spirit of innovation that led us to create landscape lighting that is 100% beautiful, 100% automated, 0% hassle, and conveniently controlled by the Haven Lighting App.

    If you are looking to give your home, community, or business building a facelift, but aren’t sure which direction to go in, consider our 9 Series Pro landscape lighting. Get freedom from complicated planning and decision-making with the 9 Series Pro —  your answer to design dilemmas. 

    What is the 9 Series Pro?

    We are glad you asked! Newly launched, the 9 Series Pro takes home automation to the outdoors. This latest, patent-pending landscape lighting interface is a game-changer in the industry. It offers a range of 32 colors to choose from and enables you to create multiple lighting zones outside your property.

    Not only that, but this newest piece of innovation connects with our new Haven Lighting App to allow hyper-personalization for your home.

    If you thought our customizable landscape lighting was impressive, you’ll be delighted to experience our newest innovation.

    Landscape Lighting Automation with the Haven Lighting App

    There is a lot you can do with the 9 Series Pro, however, one of its most exciting features is that this series empowers users with more design, organizing, and scheduling choices balanced with a seamless user experience. Integrated with the new Haven Lighting app, the 9 Series Pro works together with our patent-pending interface to change the way a multi-zone lighting system is controlled.

    • Use the new, patent-pending Haven Lighting app to connect with your 9 Series Pro
    • Take a picture of the building you want to light up, drag and drop light choices onto the photograph
    • Assign colors to the lights, and you are done
    • Label each scene and schedule the lights for different times of the year or day

    Forget about endless thought loops — What colors should I pick? Did I remember to turn off the lights? Are these colors right for Christmas? The 9 Series Pro is a truly automated landscape lighting system that lets you actually set it and forget it — except when the lights come on! Then you will find yourself unable to ignore the beautiful landscape lighting you have designed.

    DMX-Style Light Show

    That’s right! If you want to go big and flamboyant, the 9 Series Pro can deliver DMX-style lighting to your building’s exterior. Multiple colors, moving to specific cues such as a song — you have experienced DMX-style lighting at music concerts or other entertainment shows. With the 9 Series Pro, you can bring this energy to your own personal events and control it all via the Haven Lighting App. 

    Use our (other) new patent-pending invention, Playground, to fully customize the 9 Series Pro to be DMX-style. Reflect the high energy of your events and create your own unique concert-style lighting experience  All of this, without writing any lines of code.  You won’t believe how easy it is to design your own light show!

    So whether you are hosting a big celebration, or simply want to have a fun night with a small group of people, the 9 Series Pro will create the ambiance and mood that will rival any big concert. We aren’t exaggerating when we say that the 9 Series Pro will make you feel like a Rockstar and your property look like a stage.

    DMX-style customization is an especially fun feature for business owners, property managers, HOA members, or anyone who may want to host bigger events. Use colors that reflect the theme of your event and wow your guests with this fully-automated landscape lighting system via the Haven Lighting App.

    Seamless User Experience with Haven Lighting App Control

    At Haven Lighting, our spirit of innovation is driven by a simple premise — we understand the power of a wrinkle-free user experience.

    This is why the 9 Series Pro empowers you to create multiple lighting zones, offers an optimum range of colors to choose from, and provides the ease of scene storage — all controlled through our revolutionary Haven Lighting App's new user interface.

    At Haven, we are passionate about designing landscape lighting products that are ready to meet customers where they are. One of the smartest, most customizable landscape light displays, the 9 Series Pro puts us and our customers at the forefront of landscape lighting technology.




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