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  • Classic White Wireless Wall Switch™ Operation

    Haven Home Lighting LED Controllers have the ability to integrate seamlessly into your home. The way in which this is accomplished this is through the highly innovative and versatile Wireless Wall Switch. It looks and mounts just like any other switch – except it's wireless!


    The top button on the Wireless Wall Switch is for turning on the lights. This is a smart lighting system so the lights will turn on to the last brightness setting they were set to before they were turned off. The bottom button on the Wireless Wall Switch turns the lights off.

    When you press the button you will see a tiny green light on the top left corner of the switch indicating that the signal has been sent to the LED controller. On the Haven K Series LED Controller, the green FDBK light on the controller will flash indicating the signal was received.


    The middle rocker switch with up and down arrows on the Wireless Wall Switch is used to control the brightness setting of the lights. When you set the brightness, the lighting system will remember that brightness and will use it the next time the lights are turned on with the top button.

    When you press the button you will see a tiny green light on the top left corner of the switch indicating that the signal has been sent to the LED controller. On the Haven K Series LED Controller, the green FDBK light on the controller will flash indicating the signal was received.

    Pairing the Switch to the Controller

    Pairing the Wireless Wall Switch to the Haven Home Lighting LED Controller is easy. Press the PAIR button on the top of the Haven K Series LED Controller (the green FDBK light will turn off and if the lights were on they will also turn off).

    K Series Classic White MINI LED Controller
    Hold both the Top (ON) and Bottom (OFF) buttons down for about 6 seconds. The green light on the Wireless Wall Switch will flash and the green FDBK light on the Haven K Series LED Controller will also flash. Once the unit is paired, the green FDBK light will flash quickly and the lights (if wired) will also flash and then turn on.

    K Series Classic White DUO LED Controller
    Hold both the Top (ON) and Bottom (OFF) buttons down for about 6 seconds. The green light on the Wireless Wall Switch will flash and the green FDBK light on the Haven K Series LED Controller will also flash. Once the unit is paired, the green FDBK light will flash quickly and the lights (if wired) will also flash and then turn on. 

    Hold both the Top (ON) and Brightness Down buttons down for about 6 seconds. The green light on the Wireless Wall Switch will flash and the green FDBK light on the Haven K Series LED Controller will also flash. Once the unit is paired, the green FDBK light will flash quickly and the LIGHT A lights (if wired) will also flash and then turn on. 

    Hold both the Top (ON) and Brightness Up buttons down for about 6 seconds. The green light on the Wireless Wall Switch will flash and the green FDBK light on the Haven K Series LED Controller will also flash. Once the unit is paired, the green FDBK light will flash quickly and the LIGHT B lights (if wired) will also flash and then turn on.

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