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  • Ready Your Business For Any Season With Commercial Landscape Lighting



    With the arrival of spring, summer’s waiting in the wings with longer days, warmer temperatures, and opportunities to bring in new business. Using your landscape as a way to appeal to potential customers is a smart move. Not only do you help your business stand out, but you also increase its potential value. Color changing landscape lighting is an impactful way to draw prospective customers, who are getting out at all times of the day, to your business.



    Light the Way to New Business Opportunities

    Does your commercial building have unique features worth showing off? Perhaps your hotel has a beautiful exterior fountain you’d love to illuminate. Maybe you want to add mood lighting to your restaurant’s brand-new patio. The right full-color LED feature lights, up lights, or well lights could make all the difference in the world in capturing the eyes of customers and inviting them into your business. Even better, our smart full color landscape lighting gives you complete control of your system, letting you change the settings from anywhere using the Haven app.

    If you manage a residential property, adding full color landscape lighting to the pool, mail center, and entrances may make your current residents feel safer, and be a novel way of attracting new tenants. Imagine programming your landscape lighting to change colors every hour or shifting to a new light pattern every night. Residents will enjoy coming home to a mini-light show, and you need not go out of your way to make them smile. You may even want to advertise your smart, full color landscape lighting to attract new tenants, who may view your residential property as an aesthetic, fun-loving place to call home.


    Illuminate Your Business for the Holidays

    Another way to utilize full color landscape lighting is to light up your business for the summer holidays. On the 4th of July, retail businesses can switch to red, white, and blue hues, an idea that pairs well with holiday sales. On Mother’s Day, choose a unique color scheme to honor moms who support or work for your company.

    One of the best things about smart landscape lighting is that it’s easy to create a schedule for your lights. That means you need not worry about special holiday lighting carrying over to the next day. You can easily set your Independence Day lights to switch to their regular color the next day, freeing you up to tend to other vital business matters.

    Our smart lighting scheduling capabilities also let you pre-program holiday lighting every year, so you never forget to change the lights when the special day comes. Our systems have a very big ROI if you compare the one-time purchase to Christmas light installations every year! If you usually spend money to decorate each year, Haven smart landscape lighting is a great way of cutting expenses.


    Free Up Your Teams’ Time With Smart Landscape Lighting

    As people begin to venture out of their homes to shop, travel, and dine out, it is undoubtedly a busy time for your team. Help them focus their attention and energy on business operations and service by taking some tasks off their plate.

    Our full-color landscape lighting offers the benefits of an aesthetic, attractive setup without the hassle of maintenance. Control the colors, light temperature, and the schedule of your lights using the Haven app and free up your team’s time so they can focus on more important work.

    Our full color landscape lighting also lasts longer without needing a replacement, which lowers maintenance costs. Imagine funneling the money and time you save back into your business rather than wasting it on maintenance and replacement bulbs.


    Keep Your Cool & Control Your Landscape Lighting From Anywhere

    You’ve likely come back to your business building one morning to discover lights left on from the night before. Another fantastic benefit of full-color landscape lighting is that you can control the system from anywhere.

    If you plan to get away this summer, you probably want to keep a close eye on your business. With the Haven app, you remain in the driver’s seat no matter where you are. Easily turn the lights on or off, or switch out colors to keep your building looking attractive. Not only are you connected to your business building at a distance, but you will also avoid having to choose between going totally dark, or keeping the lights on all the time. Save money, stress less, and be energy efficient while using full color landscape lighting.


    Warm Up To New Landscape Lighting Possibilities

    Summer is a great time to upgrade your enterprise’s exterior with full color landscape lighting. Whether you’re looking to go big and light up your entire exterior property or keep it clean with a few well-placed LED strips, plenty of options await. Haven Lighting is here to help you warm up to new ideas while keeping cool this summer, so get us in touch with us to learn more about transforming your landscape.

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