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  • We understand that our customers are making an investment in their property and we want to make sure that they take full advantage of all of the capabilities our lighting system has to offer. The Haven Lighting system is a complete full lighting automation system and our 9 Series Pro even allows our customers to make custom light shows! 

    While we are always here to help with our cloud support, we want to finish a project by making sure our customers have a full understanding of the power and capabilities of the lighting system so they can best utilize the system to promote, communicate, support, and market to their customers.

    Training Attendance

    Training FAQ

    Training is offered as part of every lighting system installation. If you would like to schedule a training session after or in addition to the initial training, please reach out to us specifically with that request.

    Training is included with any installation project and we do not limit the number of attendees. We encourage you to take advantage of this initial training session and have at least two people attend.

    No. Our system is designed around user experience. You do not need to have experience with lighting systems to learn how to use ours. However, we think it’s very important to attend our training session so you can learn how to take advantage of every feature our smart lighting system offers when paired with the app.

    Training for our lighting systems can be done in a day, usually a morning or an afternoon session. Remote training makes it easy for us to be set up and ready to train without taking extra time out of your schedule.

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