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    Our Premier Training Program

    We cover all aspects of installation including wiring, waterproof connectors and wire corrosion, different mounting options for different types of lighting (i.e. capstone lights, LED strips, etc.), voltage drops in wiring, AC vs. DC systems, and troubleshooting.

    Product Training
    Learn about all the Haven Lighting Products. You will receive hands on training of each product and understand the features how to use them. There will be classroom discussion along with hands-on use of products, apps, etc. Understand the difference between 2-wire and 4-wire systems and why they are designed as such. Training includes adding devices to networks, zoning, groups, scheduling events of every type. We also review troubleshooting items like a customer that has a router replacement, wiring issues, and many more items to save you time and effort.

    We review pricing and the different philosophies of charge rates for your business.

    How to Sell
    Education is a value-add proposition for you and your business. We will review the profiles of customers, how to sell automation, phone control, color and more. Understand the different market opportunities that have opened with this technology.

    We review a variety of topics ranging from the several types of lights with beam angles and light spreads. Discussion on where to position lighting and lighting up second stories. Residential versus commercial lighting including light noise and how it effects the power/lumen output of lighting selections.

    LED Technology
    We discuss how LED binning works and why it matters to you and your customer. How to make sure you are selecting a product with lenses that have been designed appropriately and why you care. And finally, a discussion on dimming and non-dimming lights (good and bad).

    Color Technology
    You will understand how standard lighting formats play a factor in color output and mixing, the importance of lighting design and become knowledgeable to confidently communicate and sell the technology.

    Communications Technology
    Walk away with a deep understanding of the pros and cons to wireless versus wired communication technology. Understand how Wi-Fi and Bluetooth lighting systems work and all the do’s and don'ts when installing the different systems.

    Home Automation
    We take a deep dive in cloud versus local controlled systems. You will understand why product design and where the information is stored matters and how supportability plays into each technology.

    Learn where the market is headed and how you can position your business to take advantage of the current and upcoming opportunities.

    Don't Take Our Word For It

    A Conversation with a Haven Lighting Trusted Partner

    Past Training Dates:
    February 24, 2022 - Cincinnati, OH
    May 13–14, 2021 - Austin, TX
    March 10–12, 2021 - Orlando, FL
    February 25–26, 2021 - Cincinnati, OH

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