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  • features for hardscape lighting: LED, control, calendar-based

    When guests enter a hotel, they should feel like they have entered a different world. The best hotels take pride in creating an atmosphere that invites guests to not only shed their luggage, but also shed their routines behind. They do this by paying attention to big and small details. From inspiring architectural details to thoughtful walkway designs and decor, a lot of planning goes into ensuring that a hotel is as much a focal point of a guest’s vacation as is the destination. 

    Speaking of unique, color LED outdoor lighting for hotels is an excellent way to highlight your hotel’s brand. Choose to do it by replicating your brand colors in your commercial outdoor lights, or select specific colors to ignite a mood that aligns with your brand. 

    LED lights for commercial buildings add personality and pizzazz to your hotel's outdoor space. They can elevate architecture, accent interior décor, and create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Elevate the possibilities of beautifying your landscape with color LED outdoor lighting for hotels and Haven Lighting’s 9 Series Pro.

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    Give Every Guest an Upgrade With Color LED Outdoor Lighting for Hotels From Haven

    Cloud-Based Control From Anywhere

    The Haven Lighting control system is all cloud-based which allows for remote access to your facilities lighting system from anywhere. The system can be programmed, scheduled and controlled from any device as long as you have internet access. This allows our customers the ultimate flexibility and ease of use whether you are managing a building remotely or are on site. Your ability to control and manage the lighting system is the same.

    Commercial Services

    Outdoor lighting design services for commercial buildings

    Design Services

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    Project Management for commercial lighting projects

    Project Management

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    Frequently asked questions


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    Services for commercial lighting

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    Leasing Options

    Haven Lighting offers a variety of options for our customers. We can tailor your lighting system exactly to your needs and requirements. As part of this dedication to customer service, we offer a leasing model that some customers prefer when it comes to their facility outdoor lighting systems. This leasing model offers several advantages over traditional lighting purchases. It offers the following advantages: 

    Tax advantages in some cases
    (expense vs. capital equipment) 

    Cash flow advantages 

    Keeping up with technology
    (when the lease term expires, renewing a new lease gives the opportunity to update any technology that may have come to market since the installation) 

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